
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Miel y Mató

It's so nice to start morning with yummy breakfast.
I miss a lot diary products from my home country, especially quark cheese (kohupiim)
I found one Catalan product more or less similar to our quark cheese it's called Mató, 
it' s made of cow milk and has no salt or sugar and it's served with honey. 
I added some strawberries since now we have strawberry season here in Spain:)

This honey I bought last summer in Corsica, it has  very natural taste 
not like any other honey from supermarkets.

We have such a beautiful weather today!
Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Qué buena pinta! Por cierto, de dónde eres?

    1. Yo soy de Estonia, pero ahora vivo en Barcelona

  2. What a great way to start off the day :)
    xx Marie

  3. Yummm. My mom loves Mató too! She has it with honey as well, it makes her super happy... :)


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