
Barcelona 25/01/2013

12:36 PM

It's been long time since I am not posting photos of Barcelona. 
Yesterday was beautiful and sunny day, so I grab my camera and went to the beach. 
As always people jogging, skating, playing volley and some already sunbathing. 
Even though there are so many beautiful places in Barcelona, here mostly you will see beach:) 
Because I love so much sea and Barcelona is a sea for me. 
If you are sea lover as I am, you might be interested to visit my pinterest board s.e.a. 
Have a lovely weekend everyone!

dog was happy as well

All images Copyright © SeaofGirasoles

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  1. Beautiful pictures! I am going to Barcelona at the end of Feb and these images make me sooooo excited! :)

    1. Thank you! For sure you will have great time!


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